Tuesday, March 21, 2006

the best game ever

As a sports writer I see a lot of games, byt yesterday I attended the Michigan-Notre Dame basketball game and it was probably one of the best games I've ever been to. Granted it was the NIT and not the NCAA tournament, it was still a great game.

In this game Michigan trailed a majority of the first half and was down by eight at half time. In the second half they gradually chipped away at the lead and finally closed to within one in the final two minutes of regulation. My favorite UM player, Daniel Horton hit a few shots down the stretch and UM took a lead with 13 seconds left to play. ND tied it thanks to their pesky guard Chris Quinn to force OT

Horton was clutch again in the second OT hitting a shot to tie the game in the final minute. Neither team could break the tie in the final 30 seconds forcing another OT. and that is when the heroics took place. With the game tied at 84, Dion Harris made a 3-pointed as time expired to end the game and give the Wolverines an 87-84 win. Man was that great.. as a basketball fan or even as a player those seconds are what you live for. To see ur team make a shot to win right at the buzzer. Thats what March Madness is all about.. even if it was just the NIT

OTher games that Ive seen in person that would probably rank up there as some of the best games I've seen in person is:

Nov. 6, 2004 - the Collegiate Clash game at Ford Field between EMU and CMU my senior year of college. Four overtimes, Eastern wins 61-58

Oct. 2005 - Adrian College's homecoming football game this past year that they won in OT. They overcame a kicker missing an xtra point after an OT score to still win

Feb. 2005 - EMU vs Toledo basketball game in teh regular season finale at Savage Hall. another overtime thriller.

And for a game i wasnt at that i vividly remember... UM's triple OT win over MSU in 2004. Heck yea for Braylon Edwards

im sure theres other but those came to mind

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