Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day weekend

Memorial Day weekend was a pretty decent one as I got to do a variety of things and see a variety of people. A breakdown of the weekend

After doing pages Friday morning I came home and took a nap and then headed up toward Ann Arbor to meet up with my friend Amy from high school. She happened to be in Novi so we met up for some ice cream before she hit the road to head back to C-town. I hadn't seen her since Christmas so it was nice to catch up with her. After that I met up with Nate and we headed to Comerica Park to catch the Tigers-Indians game.

We made it down to the ballpark for batting practice and I came close to snaggin a ball but let the little kid around me go get the ball. oh well. the game was great ... the tigers won 8-3 behind Curtis Granderson who had five RBIs.

The game was alsom Polish American night at the ballpark so there was a ceremony before the game. And Friday was also the Friday night firework promotion and as usual they were pretty decent. A random thing bout the night was when me and Nate were sitting in our seats prior to the first pitch, I see a guy walkin up to sit in the seats next to us that looked very familiar. turns out it was Tim, who used to work at the Echo with Nate and I. He graduated a couple years before me and was also on OTEAM and stuff so it was nice seeing him and chatting Tigers talk with him. He was also with another former OTEAMER and his wife who is related to one of the photographers at the Telegram.

On Sat I chilled for the most part of the day and then covered a baseball game. After gettin off work I caught the tailend of the Pistons game only to see them lose and go down 2-1 in their series with the Heat

Ended up spending most of the day with family as my parents were up in Ypsi after spending Friday and Saturday at weddings. It was always an eventful time especially being at my grandmas house. We ended up cooking out and my two cousins were there as well as several aunts and uncles. it was an entertaining day to say the least. And I ended up coming home with pots and pans from my grandma as well as other kitchen accesories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean it was Polish-American night at the CoPa and you two didn't invite me?

Jason IdalSKI (Hello?) :)