Wednesday, June 28, 2006

rocket man

Last night I got a chance to see the winningest pitcher in baseball for the first time. That pitching being none other than future Hall of Famer Roger Clemens, who was making his second start of the season with the Astros. I saw Clemens pitch 2+ innings (i'll explain later) and he held true to form.

And once again he was plagued by the low scoring Astros' offense as he ended up getting no run support thanks to a solid pitching effort by Nate Robertson. The Tigers ended up winning the game 4-0 and did their damage once Clemens left the game in the 7th.

All in all a nice victory to see for the Tigers who are continuing to play solid basbeall. They just swept the Cardinals and took the first two games of their series with the defending National League champs.

As to why I only saw Clemens pitch for 2+ innings.

I arrived to the stadium at 6:20 ish and headed toward the will call line with the people I was with. We were in line by 6:25 and didnt get in the ball park until close to 8:00. By that time the bottom of the fourth inning was one out away from being over. The delay? A long will call line. I could have never imagined having to deal with something like that and I feel sorry for people who were way behind us. I'd be surprised if they got into the stadium before the seventh inning.

It didnt make sense that the Tigers didnt have all the ticket offices outside the stadium serve will call needs since the game was pratically sold out -- which doesnt often happen for a night game in the middle of the week. But oh well I guess. I wrote a letter to the Tigers to speak my mind on the matter and hopefully they get back to me about it.

After the game we ended hoping on the people mover to get to Greektown where we ate at Pizza Papalis before heading back home. Not a bad night, minus the long will call line.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

catchin up

Nice to catch up with some friends that I hadnt seen since last summer last night
I journeyed up to Ypsi for Pat and Anna's birthday party at Frenchies in Depot Town.

Not a bad time. Ended up driving over to my buddy Scott's apartment on Summit to watch the end of the Tigers game (another great, magical win for the Tigs) and then making the 15 minute walk to Depot Town. That was prolly the first time I had walked to Depot Town from the main campus area since I went to Summer Insitute in the summer of 2000 (i was getting ready to enter my senior yr of HS then).

When we almost were at Frenchies I saw Glenna Frank Miller chilling outside a restaurant and she recognized me and said hello. and then once we got there I ran into a lot of the peeps I used to chill with from time to time like Steve, Ken, Carrie and Trisha along with Pat and Anna. Also ran into some people I knew from my days on OTEAM as well.

All in all a pretty fun night and it waw great to catch up with some people I rarely see

Thursday, June 22, 2006

im still here...

im still alive to whoever reads this

been busy of late... a few things ive done recently

- covered the East-West All Star game at Comerica Park Tuesday.. an interesting experience. I found out that one of our local coaches actually knows Jim Leyland. I heard him talkin to another guy talkin bout how he tried giving Kate Leyland (Jim's wife) a call and was shocked that he knew him. I guess tehy used to do camps together in the Toledo area which makes perfect sense since leyland is from that area.

- spent this whole past weekend at MIS covering NASCAR stuff and my cousin Bill Lester (just a joke there). For those who don't know Bill Lester is an African American driver and he was racing in his second race in the Nextel Cup Series. He races in the craftsman truck series as well but is tryin to break through in the major series. Seemed like a cool guy from what i saw of him interacting with people

Adam Sandler was the grand marshal of Sunday's race and said Gentleman start your engines in his happy gilmore voice.. quite entertaining. Walked right past Dale Earnhardt Jr on Sunday. I was standing with Deloris at the time and joked she should have reached out to touch him since that is her favorite driver.

-- oh and yesterday there was that storm that hit Adrian. My power went out at 6 pm yesterday and didnt come on until 11 am. Talk about sucking especially since I had to get up early for pages. Thank God for cell phones

Another random thing... last week Sean and I were playing tennis at Adrian High at night. It was starting to get pretty dark.... so dark we could barely see the ball so we decided to leave. As we were walking to our cars a security guard emerged from the school asking us if those were our cars and telling us to move them because they were closed. Closed??? how were they closed? there were no signs posted. That was pretty much just wack....

i think that is enough rambling for now. hopefully ill write more soon