Sunday, June 25, 2006

catchin up

Nice to catch up with some friends that I hadnt seen since last summer last night
I journeyed up to Ypsi for Pat and Anna's birthday party at Frenchies in Depot Town.

Not a bad time. Ended up driving over to my buddy Scott's apartment on Summit to watch the end of the Tigers game (another great, magical win for the Tigs) and then making the 15 minute walk to Depot Town. That was prolly the first time I had walked to Depot Town from the main campus area since I went to Summer Insitute in the summer of 2000 (i was getting ready to enter my senior yr of HS then).

When we almost were at Frenchies I saw Glenna Frank Miller chilling outside a restaurant and she recognized me and said hello. and then once we got there I ran into a lot of the peeps I used to chill with from time to time like Steve, Ken, Carrie and Trisha along with Pat and Anna. Also ran into some people I knew from my days on OTEAM as well.

All in all a pretty fun night and it waw great to catch up with some people I rarely see

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