Tuesday, March 27, 2007

what a shot!!

The unbelievable shot Rasheed Wallace made to help the Pistons force overtime and then beat the Nuggets.

Nothing short of amazing and I've loved seeing this play over and over again on all the highlight shows today.

Monday, March 05, 2007

When do NIT tickets go on sale?

After seeing Michigan falter down the stretch and Obio State steal a victory from the Wolverines on Saturday I'm bound to wonder when can I get my NIT tickets. It appears that is where Michigan basketball will once again be headed for ANOTHER year which is another negative. The only positive about the situation is a chance to attend a game since I'm sure Michigan will have a least two home games - barring they win. The only way it seems if the Wolverines can reach the Big Dance is if they win the Big Ten Tournament this weekend.


The other day I was watching tv and saw my former college neighbor Brian Bixler playing on ESPN. I remember living next to him and a few other baseball players my sophomore year at Eastern and now he appears to be making his way up the Pittsburgh Pirates farm system. He had a good game against the Braves last Friday, hitting a home run and reaching base a couple other times.