Monday, March 05, 2007

When do NIT tickets go on sale?

After seeing Michigan falter down the stretch and Obio State steal a victory from the Wolverines on Saturday I'm bound to wonder when can I get my NIT tickets. It appears that is where Michigan basketball will once again be headed for ANOTHER year which is another negative. The only positive about the situation is a chance to attend a game since I'm sure Michigan will have a least two home games - barring they win. The only way it seems if the Wolverines can reach the Big Dance is if they win the Big Ten Tournament this weekend.


The other day I was watching tv and saw my former college neighbor Brian Bixler playing on ESPN. I remember living next to him and a few other baseball players my sophomore year at Eastern and now he appears to be making his way up the Pittsburgh Pirates farm system. He had a good game against the Braves last Friday, hitting a home run and reaching base a couple other times.

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