Thursday, November 27, 2008

Home for the holiday

This year marked the first time since I've lived in Adrian that I've been home for Thanksgiving. In the past I've usually driven up to Ypsilanti to eat with my aunts, uncles and grandparents, but this year I made the two-plus hours drive home.

On my drive as soon as I passed Kalamazoo I was surprised to see the accumulated snow that was sitting on the ground. And that was on the ground most of the places between Mattawan and Coloma.

On the trip I got a chance to see my close friend from college Renae's new born baby. Renae was the first person I met from EMU that actually grew up on the west side of the state. Most people from EMU that I knew were from southeast Michigan and it seemed rare to find a person that lived in the southwest corner of the state.

I'm not good with kids and never have been around many newborn babies if at all but ended up holding it when she asked if I wanted to. I posted the picture on facebook and my friends teased me about how I was holding it - but don't worry people I'll get it down!

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