Monday, November 07, 2005

compelling items

Two things have compelled me to make my latest post to this blog - cheerleaders and T.O.

Starting with the cheerleaders - This weekend two Carolina Panthers cheerleaders were arrested for having sex in a bathroom at some club/bar in Florida. People complained about a long line waiting to use the restroom only to find out that the cheerleaders were getting it on.

Here is the article

After talking with two of my buddies I've gathered these responses:

"If i was at that club and i saw that i'd probably just walk into traffic immediately, i dont see my life getting much better than that"

"i wouldnt have called the cops, the show must go on!"

I must say I'd have to agree.

Second item : T.O. is all but done in Philly as the Eagles have decided he will miss the rest of the season following his four game suspension. To which I say it sux for fantasy owners who have him on their team - I'm glad I don't have him

At the same time in reality I wouldnt mind if the Lions became in the running for him. So T.O. doesnt like Garcia - thats fine. If Harrington is throwing to him he definitely can take criticism from T.O. after all he has faced in his career and his teammates this season. Plus he is demanding of the ball and makes plays - more than the Lions can say for any of their wide receivers with the exception of Scottie Vines.

The only problem is his price tag but what do the Lions have to lose - they arent doing anything with the offense they have - why not add a REAL playmaker.
But having a legit threat like T.O. might not matter if the offensive line cant block.

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