Wednesday, November 16, 2005

damn the popo

So is driving back from Homer on Friday after covering a playoff game and was heading back to the office to type up my column on deadline. I'm back in Adrian and less than three miles from the office when I get pulled over by the damn police. I'm like damn - its almost midnight and I still have a story to type and im like 3 minutes away from the office.

He asks if i knew why he pulled me over - i reply no - he tells me i didnt come to a proper or complete stop at a stop sign further back. And this guy didnt pull me over until i was about a mile from that spot. I'm like yeah whatever and just keep quiet b/c you shouldnt talk back to the police especialyl being a young black male - (i heard about what happened to rodney king) anyways a few minutes later the guy comes back and issues me a ticket. He couldnt tell me how much it would cost so I had to call a number on Monday.

I call the number only to find out that the ticket was 110 bucks! im like damn. I'd almost be better off being caught speeding. so now i have like five days left to pay it and im thinking about challenging it - but who knows.

anyways that is my exciting news. other than that it has been a busy time for me of late and i like it that way
Heres what ive been doing

Last Saturday - cover Adrian College football game at 1 p.m. - start working on layout for Mondays paper

Monday - did page design at 5 am, covered two playoff basketball games at Manchester High School that night

Tuesday- Went to work to finish up the All-County football capsules. Added some things to a feature story and took care of a few more little things. made a few phone calls

TODAY - cover two district playoff games at Adrian High

Tomorrow- Do an interview out at Sand Creek for a feature that is running on Saturday before their state semi-final playoff game

Friday - to be determined but either hoops or page design

Saturday - State semifinal game at White Lake between Sand Creek and Unionville Sebawaing (USA)

I've been doin a lot of features later which is pretty exciting because it is something different from writing game stories - they kind of get boring after a while.

Jill Pfund feature
DJ Howard feature

Other than that the Pistons are still perfect and thats been awesome - Flip Saunders looks like a genius right now . but there is still 75 more regular season games so you cant get too carried away yet.

And I have to say I'm looking forward to the big game this weekend even tho I'm going to miss it - but lets go Blue!!

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