Tuesday, December 27, 2005

home for Christmas

It was good to be home for a little bit of time.

I went home Saturday morning and did a lot while I was on the west side of the state for the holiday. It was cool to be with the family for a little bit and catch up with quite a few friends.

While at home I
- stopped and saw Renae and her husband Joel at their house in hartford. Seems like married life is treating them well and they have two greyhound dogs (former race dogs to keep them company)
- had lunch with a whole bunch of people from high school. that was pretty cool and there was a decent group of us. people there were Ashley Kolenko, my boy Jon, Amy K, Rick Matheny, A.J., Jamaal, and Brandon Briggs. Plus there Amy brought her older brotehr Erich (graduated the year before us) and her boyfriend. It turns out her boyfriend went to school with my friend Audrey from EMU and is good friends with her - small world.
Lunch was at pizza hut and it was pretty cool just to get updates about how some people are doing that you havent heard from/seen since high school
- Did some last minute shopping at the shitty Orchard mall
- Karaoke with the family on Saturday night after eating dinner
- Opened presents of course - I got some cologne, a stereo and some accessories for my Ipod which dont work. Plus i got a Rip Hamilton red pistons jersey
- Went to church Sunday morning and then had dinner with the family and our close family friend Ron
- Visited my frined Amy Wood for a bit on Sunday night
- Went to go pick up some meats this morning with my dad

oh and i cant forget my mom and sis made Christmas cookies so i definitely pigged out on those and got to take a batch home with me which was cool.

so all in all a nice trip home. only bad thing was that my parents found out about the ticket i got a little over a month ago - man they find out everything. oh well though - they werent too mad or anything and made light of it.

Besides being home other cool stuff going on:
- i'm perfect in both my college football pools so far - 7-0 through the first seven bowl games. off to a hot start i guess.. still 21 more to go so i cant get too carried away
- and I'm in the championship game in one of my fantasy football leagues on eSPn and it appears im headed to the championship game in my yahoo league. Thank you Shaun Alexander!!!

thats all i got for now. Hope everyone had a good Christmas

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