Monday, December 12, 2005

A looooooooooong update

A lot to write about in this one - but i think I'll start with stuff relating to work

So last Thursday I was covering the Adrian College-Siena Heights mens basketball game with Sean. Adrian-Siena is a huge rivalry with both schools located in Adrian about three miles away frn each other so needless to say its a big deal in these parts and despite the massive snow we were gettin that night, it didnt stop people from coming out to the contest.

The game was a good close battle the entire night but Siena ended up winning at the end because Adrian missed a bit too many free throws (more on this later). So yea it was a good game, but I even found more entertainment and watching a co-worker of mine who was in attendance at the gaame. This individual happened to go to Adrian College and was doing everything he could do to try to help his alma mater win. he had several signs at the game which were quite interesting

His signs read these things
- Thou shall miss
- Trust Jesus
- Fred Smith, I am your father (in reference to Siena's coach)
- Fire Millen
and my personal favorite
- Brian Calloway is a stud

Sean joked that since he didnt have a sign for him that the Trust Jesus one was referring to him
Craziness. But everytime Siena shot a free throw in the second half he ran under the basket twirlign the thou shall miss sign, thinking that his little sign actually had an effect on the shooters
But it was quite interesting seeing him in his Adrian College gear

Anyways back to free throws - it seems like shooting them is a lost art these days. Adrian College's mens team seems to be horrible at them. During last Thursday's game they shot 37 percent from the line and during the next game they played they shot 40 percent. Definitely not a way to win games. I went to a high school game on Friday (Adrian-Dexter) and Adrian didnt fair too much better either - they were 9-23

This weekend wasn't too bad. Covered a basketball game on Friday even though there was no school for about every school district in Lenawee County because of all the snow that fell from 6 pm til about 1 am on Thursday night/Friday morning.
Also covered a game on Saturday and chilled with Crystal's brother playing video games.

On to other things

- High School boys basketball has started: One of my co-workers said finally real basketball and he couldn't be more right. I dont know why girls dont, but guys have more of a sense of urgency in basketball games and are more aware of game situations. girls just arent for some reason. Not to knock girls basketball because in some cases they are more fundamentally sound than guys and can probably shoot free throws better. but its nice to see dunks, like i saw last week at Sand Creek.

- Fantasy Football: I made the playoffs in two of my three ESPN leagues aand was the second seed in both. One league i finished the regular season with a 9-4 record, the other a 10-3 record. I'm currently still in the regular season of my yahoo league but should be in second place out of 12 teams when the week is over with a 9-5 record. What is ever better is I have won 6 of my last 7 games after starting the season 3-4. This definitely has been a good year of fantasy football for me.

- Ron Artest wants a trade from the Pacers: I welcome this

- Tigers sign Kenny Rogers and Todd Jones: Hopefully these older pitchers can stay healthy and be beneficial to us unlike Troy Percival

- Michigan hoops: Nice to see the Wolverines at 7-0. they actually look real good but UCLA should provide a good test this weekend

- Pistons: Can't say enough about them - hopefully I'll get to catch a game this month

- Lions lose again: I'm not surprised and I think Jeff Garcia has no business starting, but hey who am I. And i thought it was hilarious in last weekends game against Minnesota that fans were screaming for Harrington to be put in b/c Garcia was so horrible

- Fire Millen: Its obvious the man needs to go but with him gettin a five year extention it seems the city of Detroit and Lions fans are out of luck. Its sad that at a red wings game people are dissin on Millen.

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