Tuesday, September 05, 2006

but i'm 17

as i was gettin ready to go to hudson to cover a game i decided to go get some gas at the BP by my house and then run back to my apartment for a little bit before i leave. well my trip to the gas station started out normal - i was filling up my car and whatever until a car pulled up next to me and asked me for a favor. me thinking they were going to ask for directions or something approached the car and was like yeah whats up. then the girl asks if i will buy her some cigarettes, to which I reply im only 17. her and her friend look at me and im like for real im 17 - she immediately is like bull fucking shit - and im like i am - and shes like bull fucking shit and speeds off.

like i would seriously buy her some damn cigarettes with the attendant from inside looking out the window. and besides i dont even smoke

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