Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Its nice to see Dmitri Young back swinging a good bat again and seemingly with his career back on track for the Nationals. For awhile he was one of the best things the Tigers had going and valuable to the community until all the incidents from last year.
Anyway Tim Kurkjian had a good story about him on ESPN.com

Its too bad he won't be a National long because I'm sure a contending team could use him around the time of the trade deadline next month.

Here is part of Kurkijian's article

Tigers manager Jim Leyland sought out Dmitri Young recently, shook his hand and congratulated him on the way he was playing and, more important, the way he was living his life. It was Leyland's Tigers who released Young last year. It was not something Leyland wanted to do, but he told Young last week, "It was the best thing that's ever happened to you."

Leyland was right.

"Jim told me there were issues that I had to deal with," Young said. "Now I'm having the time of my life. Believe me, I know, after what I've been through on and off the field."

In straightening out his life, Young has resurrected his baseball career that began with such promise 11 years ago in St. Louis. He is hitting .338 -- third-best in the National League -- with seven home runs and 36 RBIs, batting in the middle of the order for the Washington Nationals. Since May 17, he has hit .431, the best batting average in baseball in that time. He has a chance to make the All-Star team. And, chances are, around the trading deadline, contending teams will want a veteran switch-hitter who can really hit.

Read the rest of the article here

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