Saturday, January 28, 2006

Oddest thing

Last night I saw the oddest thing I'd ever seen at a high school basketball game. At Lenawee Christian for the national anthem they decided to try something different. they had all the ladies pray silently while the guys sang the national anthem led by the boys basketball team. Kind of a different thing and I doubt I'll ever see that again.

The game was a blowout - LCS won 77-34 and hit 11 3-pointers in the process. they scored almost as many points off 3-pointers as the other team scored in the whole game. and their bench scored 32 points - just shy of Emmanuel Baptist's point production.

Also before the game LCS donated $500 to Emmanuel Baptist, which is in Toledo. I guess the school suffered some fire damage so Lenawee Christian wanted to help out - a very kind act

Yesterday I picked up the new MVP NCAA 06 College Baseball game made by EA Sports. Its pretty cool and has tight graphics and is powered by ESPN. Since EA Sports isnt making a major league baseball game this year (boo that) I had to get some kind of satisfaction. It sucks that EMU isnt in the game, but I just play with UofM and created myself as the leadoff hitter and center fielder.

Other than that also these things:
- When I arrived at LCS yesterday some guy came up to grabbed me by the neck. I was like what the heck. But he came up to tell me he liked how I formed my story about the wild game I saw a couple weeks ago when LCS defeated Allen Park Inter-City Baptist in a battle of two of the top-10 teams in Class D at that time. In that game Inter-City Baptist was within 4 but got like 3 technicals in the fourth quarter - way to lose their composure. After the game the coach wouldn't even talk to me.
- I got some fan mail from a high schooler at work: Recently I wrote a feature story on this kid from Clinton who only played in three games this season because of injury, but yet he still makes an impact. This week I checked my mail at work and I had a letter in it. I hesitated to open it b/c usually people only contact journalists to bitch about something, but this wasnt the case. this girl happens to go to high school with the kid and said she liked the story and how it impressed her. She said the kid deserved a nice article. I didn't think it was that great of a story myself - but I'm glad someone enjoyed it
- I finally paid my debt back to Sean this week. After he won the Bowl pool I told him I'd take him out to lunch and did so this week. I guess there is a College Basketball pool at work - if only I could win that!

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