Friday, February 17, 2006

the past two weeks

For the most part, I havent really been up to much at all the past few weeks
- Just a brief recap

Last week was a busy week as covering things. I covered basketball games on Tuesday and Friday and on Saturday I covered the county volleyball tournament.

Tuesday I saw LCS beat Madison - I like going there to cover basketball games - the coach is a pretty cool guy and I love programs that have success and do it the right way and watching teams that are fundamentally sound.

Friday I saw Onsted play Hudson in a game that was a blow out - it was also their winter homecoming that night and I swear I felt like I was at a damn prom show. They had girls and guys that were on the court decked out in nice dresses and suits and shit. When I was in high school it wasn't anything too formal like that - but whatever. And the music playing just made it feel like it was a prom - they had the lights in the gym dimmed and the song "Give me one moment in time" was playing. Quite cheesy if you ask me.

The county volleyball tournament was decent too and there were quite a few different matchups.

Didn't really do much else exciting during that week other than make a visit up to EMU on Thursday to visit some pals. I had to visit my little adopted freshman friends (they are juniors now) so whenever I come up they always want to go to Steak and Shake - which is exactly what we did. Its always cool catchin up with Andrea, Rachel, Cynthia and Jennifer considering I hung out with them quite a bit my last two years of college. I also got a chance to visit my buddy Casey for a bit and met some of her roommates.

And this week was also Valentines day - ended up taking the girlfriend out for dinnerat Applebees and getting her a few things. She ended up gettin me tickets to the Pistons game on April 16. They play the New York Knicks - should be a blowout - hopefully everyone will be healthy for that game.

Anyways there was also a lot of interesting news like Darko getting traded, the Olympics sucking and the coolest show ever in American Idol but i'll save those for a later time

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