Monday, November 06, 2006

a trip north

After lunch with Sean I decided to make a trip to the Ann Arbor area to pick up my mom's birthday present. Her birthday is today so I'm a little late - oops.
But before heading back to Adrian to do a few things for work, I decided to check out the new student center at Eastern, which had its grand opening today.

After checking it out, it made me wish I was still in college. Casey met me at the student center and gave me a tour of the facility which is a heck of a lot nicer than McKenny Union ever was. the new student center has a gaming room with several xboxes, dance dance revolution and several other video games available for students to use. when i walked in there several peeps were playing halo. i can already see people skipping class to play video games

besides that, theres a 24 hour computer lab (a first for EMU), new restaurants like KFC, subway and starbucks, a way better bookstore and a lot of nice meeting rooms. The student center is way closer to the residence halls and has windows overlooking the park. neeedless to say i was pretty impressed. i could probably rant more about the student center but ill choose not to. but one of the opening events for the center is a night with Joe Dumars next Monday that is free to the public. So that will definitely be pretty cool

while at EMU i picked up the echo and saw a story in the paper pretty much saying the football coaches honeymoon should be over and that he shouldnt have his contract rolled over. thought it was an interesting story that brought up several good points.

anyways im off to watch the pistons

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