Thursday, September 08, 2005


First to address a few things from my college football post

Nate - Considering I almost went to UM but changed my mind at the last second, I'm a diehard Michigan fan at best. I would love nothing more but to see EMU put on a good showing against them but realistically I want Michigan to win. Although when I play that game in my video game (NCAA Football 2006) I will play as EMU. Weird but I'll hope for a good game.

Corey - Heck yea I got to see some of the Ohio State game. Luckily down here I get the ABC Toledo channel so I get to catch those games. I just saw your post about not minding Michigan which is pretty respectable. We need more Ohio State fans like you.

Anyways as to what else is up. All my peeps from EMU are back at schoool. Man i miss being up there right about now, but I also feel that I have moved on to better things. Its been good to see some of my pals though, like Cynthia when she stopped here last Friday on her way back to campus from Cincy. I also got to see Laina and Miss Casey Copeman as well so thats been great.

I definitely dont miss the homework or the walks across campus, especially how hot it was today. I do miss the student paper - its the only place where you can get the best experience and afford to make silly mistakes and not pay too severe consequences for it - most of the time.

Tonight i filled in for as a sub in a bowling league and bowled like shit - haha. A 111, 120 and 128. Pretty shitty but at least as a consolation I didn't lose any of the games to Crystal. Even the last game, which we tied, I hit 9 pins in the last frame to ensure that she wouldn't beat me. I also never realized how much it bothered me when people bowl SLOW. i find it so rude when they take their time and dont pay attention which prolongs the game. I wanted to fall asleep while waiting for our opponents to quit gossiping.

Last night I had to work and covered a soccer game between Adrian College and Siena Heights and do desk work. I also got a chance to hit the Cafe for a few games of volleyball after that. Was pretty cool thats for sho and I thought I played pretty well.

Anyways thats all I got for now. I'm hungry now so I'll write more later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>>I want Michigan to win.

Brian, I disown you, haha.

>>I definitely dont miss the homework

Believe me, you definitely don't want to be in school anymore. I swear the next time I see the word "portfolio" on a syllabus, I think I'm going to explode.
