Monday, December 11, 2006

gobble, gobble

last night i bowled my first turkey in eons and was one pin away from getting a fourth straight strike. regardless it was a pretty decent way to end the night bowling and helped me beat lance and JJ. I bowled a strike in the ninth and w/ my first two roles in the 10th and then finished the game by hitting nine pins. the night started out shitty as i rolled 100 my first two games before getting a 120 in the third game.

After bowling with the fellas I played a few games of euchre w/ sarah, tina and nat before calling it a night.

yesterday afternoon i also went to the siena hoops game to see lieto aka baby iverson play.

not too much happened the rest of the weekend. I did pages on Saturday and friday morning and covered a hoops game on Friday night.

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