Saturday, May 28, 2005

why arent fast food restaurants open??

So I get off work at about 12:15 tonight and I want to go grab a quick snack. But theres a problem - nothing in freakin Adrian is open. I leave work and head south on M-52 - BK , Wendys, Arbys McDonalds are all closed. Taco Bell is open but the line of cars extends all the way out to the street. Then Tim Hortons is open as well is Subway (who the hell goes to Subway for late night munchies).

Im pissed so I decide to head on M-52 north because I know there is another McDonalds and Burger King on the north side of town - those are both closed too, but sure enough the Subway right by that one is open too.

Now clearly Adrian is a college town - has two colleges (Siena Heights and Adrian) and a community college (Jackson Community College) I figured they would have a fast food chain open

Anyways I resort to heading down south again on M-52 and then heading to a Rally's right off 223 and grab a bite to eat there

But yea work wasnt too bad today - I was the only one doing desk work tonight and took all of two phone calls from coaches. I ended up writing up a lot of the staff reports for tomorrows paper, looking over the sports page once Sean had it designed. Not too bad of a night all and all besides the fast food issues

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