Tuesday, May 31, 2005

rough times

Looking back at this past holiday weekend it didnt turn out anyway that I would have liked it too. Didn't get to see anyone, which has added to the loneliness and the boredom I've experienced here in my new home.

I've been here a week and the work aspect has been going well, its just that I have no real social life here. My social life stems up the peeps from EMU and its too difficult to see them because they all have schedules and things to do of their own. So this leads me back to square one where its been me spending a lot of time lying around on my futon being tremendously bored and trying to entertain myself while I'm not working.

So anyways what exactly have I done this weekend - hmmmmm a whole lot of nothing really. i've been so bored i really cant even remember anything ive done besides play a few video games and make meals. argh

Earlier today A made a comment to me responding to my away msg about returning to the world of boredom. She told me I had like 400 friends and that I shouldnt be bored. Why that may be very well true, the fact that i don't know anyone around here doesnt bode to favorably for me.

Tomorrow its back to work - I have to work at this track meet that our paper sponsors called the Daily Telegram Individual Invitational, which is like an all star track meet with the top eight performers competing in each event. The meet is at Adrian High School, so a short commute for tomorrow. The meet is the prime focus on Wednesday's paper and I believe I'm doing a column for the issue, so lets hope I can generate some ideas and get a decent topic.

I'm not sure when my off day will be for the week, but hopefully its a day that will allow me to hit Comerica Park up to catch a game. Or even hit the alley - I havent bowled in eons. And that could help solve my boredom issues. Anyways I'll stop writing and try to find something to keep me occupied.

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