Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So today was the big Daily TelegramIndividual Invitational (DTII) track meet at Adrian High. A pretty exciting event, and not as bad as i thought it would be. Very hot with the sun out and little wind at first but it gradually cooled off.

I was assigned to do a column on the meet and luckily something good jumped out at me when this kid who was seeded sixth in the 110 hurdles turned in his best performance and won the event. So he was the main focus of my column along with a freshman runner from Britton-Deerfield who has broken the school record in the 800 three times and broke the school record she set by five seconds at the meet.

Anyone who knows me well knows I hate writing columns - i lack the creativity of a Mitch Albom or even the L. I wish I could be that creative but thats just me - hopefully I'll get better at it with time - shit maybe i'll practice by writing columns on stuff relating to the Pistons or other professional teams.

And speaking of the Pistons, my team evened up the series with Miami at 2. Its too bad I didn't get to see any of it since I was at work, but the A kept me posted as well as a guy at work who had the sportsline update going. I was surprised we were up by 17 at one point in the fourth quarter

And by the way, here is a story that ran today online, but was actually in Thursdays print edition. Our website got a facelift - looks a lot better now

And speaking of work again, it seems like it will be kinda a busy week. Tomorrow (well today now) I'm working on the desk, Thursday I'm covering the Tecumseh soccer game out in Jackson, Friday i'm off and Saturday I'm covering the Division 3 baseball district at Clinton.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't have a final score for you- I passed out in the 4th as per usual.
As for your issue with writing columns, you can't think of it as writing a column- think of it as writing whatever you want, and then tweaking it a bit so you don't piss too many people off ;)