Wednesday, August 10, 2005


This has to be one of the best times of year with everyone beginning to play football again. I love football season but with that being said that also means I will start being real busy with constant coverage of high school stuff. I say bring it!

With Monday being the first day schools could hold football practice, I found myself out at Onsted High School seeing some of their practice and doing the generic story that every paper does announcing that the guys are back on the field. Besides going to Onsted, I called a couple of the coaches from the top programs in the county to do a little first glance at the teams.

Yesterday I ended up running into Jeff Arnold, who covers EMU football for the Ann Arbor News at Michigan International Speedway and asked him his thoughts about what the Esgles for the season, about the freshman and the mystery of Tyler Griffin. Griffin was the defensive newcomer of the year last year and shortly following his stabbing and spring practices he was no longer on the team's roster.

Anyways, I was out at MIS to cover Paul Tracy who is going to be attempting to run a race in the NASCAR circuit after racing in open wheel series the past 11 years. Quite interesting.
After doing all that and doing a story I got a chance to meet up with Laina Shuey for dinner to discuss some crap and her adventures in DC.

Then after that I got a call from Casey Frazee who I go way back with at EMU. We worked at AVP together for a bit, had a fun memory from the Tigers excursion sophomore year and from PR class. Anyways I caught up with her adn she invited me to our PR professor (Lolita Hendrix) house for a cookout on Aug 21. Unfortunately I can't go because of NASCAR but its pretty tight the PR gang is getting together with Lolita. That lady loved our class when we had had in Fall 2003 semester, and everyone in the class seemed to click well.

I capped the day by having a real random evening that started with sand volleyball, which looks as if it will become a weekly tradition. Had most of the same group out again with Crystal, Bobby, Rob, Ryan, Dayna and a few others. Fun times. After the place shut down at 2 am we wll made a run for the border (aka Taco Bell) and ate our food in the parking lot and then kind of split off and I went to watch Guess Who with Crystal, Bobbby, another kid named Rob and his wife Jaime. It was a real late nite and I didn't get in until 5, which is the time I have to go to work on Friday AM. So I need to catch up on my sleep fast!

The other crazy thing about yesterday deals with office politics at the paper and seeing a good journalist being let go from the paper. A blog is becoming more and more of a dangerous place to discuss work-related things so I will leave it at that for the time being.

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