Sunday, August 28, 2005

i choked

the weekend turned out to be a solid one with the things I covered. Friday night I saw a solid football game between Addison and Onsted, which Addison won 25-14. Pretty competitive the whole night. At least it wasn't like this other game in our county that featured Morenci beating Mt. Zion Academy 85-0 (I'm still trying to figure out how that happened)

Yesterday I was at a soccer tournament at Lenawee Christian that was in memory of Bronson Mansfield, an All-State soccer player at the school who died in a car accident. Pretty solid tournament but Tecumseh ended up whipping Adrian 5-0 to win the title.

Then this weekend I managed to finish my story on Adrian High's star basketball player Kelly Kohn. Funny thing when I was at Adrian High on Friday, I ran into Ronald Walker, one of the players I had to interview for our football preview. The funny thing was that he was there considering twice when I went to the school at interviews he was ALWAYS at the doctor and no where to be found. He came up to me and asked if I was goin to their game and told me that they would beat AA Huron - he was right. Him and his boys made our sports staff look good after we put them on the cover touting their high powered offense. He had like 130 yards receiving and three TD's, the running back Marqone Russell ran for 182 yards and the star quarterback Steve Threet threw for 180.

Other than that I got a chance to hit the bowling alley this weekend to avenge my shitty performance a couple weeks ago against crystal. It turned out to get into a pretty heated battle. She manhandled me the first game b/c i bowled like shit - She had a 113 and I had 95. I came back in the second game and finally started to compete beating her 137-126. We decided to go for the winner takes all match and thats where it got heated. She marked in every frame but the final two but we pretty much had matched each other through the first six. I didnt mark in four frames (the first, fifth, ninth and tenth) but bowled several strikes including a turkey.

I even had a chance to catch her at the end but choked and did shitty. Man I should concentrate more. anyways i lost 179-161. oh well ill get he next time

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