Saturday, July 07, 2007

fun night out

Yesterday was my day of work and I didn't do too much exciting. Laid around most of the day and played baseball on the PS2 with Sarah and stopped at GameStop to reserve the game I look forward to every year - NCAA Football 08. The day after it comes out is like a holiday to me more so than Madden because I'll play that game all day. And plus I'm better at the game than Madden. But thats all beside the point and off topic

Anyways last night Sarah and I ended up going out to Ann Arbor and stopped at the mall briefly before going to Damons to see the last part of the Tigers game and play the interactive trivia game. Damons has to be one of my favorite restaurants and I enjoyed it a couple weeks ago when I went there with my aunts and uncle after going to church.

After leavin Damons we hung out at Pinball Petes in downtown Ann Arbor for a bit and played air hockey, skee ball (my favorite), basketball and a driving arcade game. Sarah beat me 2 out of 3 games at air hockey and made more baskets, but I was better at the other two. All in all, it was a pretty fun night.

This morning I got a bit of bad news when my mom called me and told me that my favorite aunt and grandma have cancer. The good thing is my aunt's cancer was removed with a surgery and my grandmas is treatable which is good.

Anyways its time to get ready for work.

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