Sunday, July 15, 2007

Quite the scare

Before work yesterday I ended up meeting up with my my mom, dad, sister and the rest of my moms family. We all went to Old Country Buffet for lunch which was a cool get-together with most of the family. It was good to see my aunt and grandma doing well too.

After work, I got quite the scare. Sarah and I had made plans that when she got back and when I was off work that we were going to grab a bit to eat at Frickers and hang out whatever. Those plans came to a drastic halt when Sarah got into an accident on her way back when she was about five miles from her apartment.

Apparently a car headed (i believe a camaro) south bound on Rogers hwy was all over the road and passed another car before blowing by the stop sign. To avoid hitting the car Sarah had to slow down quick and after missing hitting the car she lost control and ended up in a field of crops. Luckily she missed hitting a pole and came away uninjured.

She also had help as the people who got passed by the wild driving car stopped to help her. I guess they immediately pulled over to the side and ran to her rescue because they thought she was did.

After getting the call I met Sarah at the scene and waited around for the cops and wrecker with her before taking her back to her house. Her car got messed up from when she skidded off the road and into the field.

Luckily all is okay with her.

1 comment:

Deloris said...

I'm glad Sarah wasn't hurt.