Monday, July 09, 2007

midway fantasy baseball review

This one is a total sports post

With the baseball season at its midpoint its time to take a quick look at my fantasy teams. the good thing is I'm within striking distance in all of my leagues and in the top half of the standings.

In my yahoo leagues I'm second and fifth
In my boy Nate's (who is gettin married in a few months here) league i'm second out of 10 teams. That is probably one of my better teams. The highlights besides my 150-107-23 record are owning Soriano, Victor Martinez, Russell Martin, Granderson, Ichiro , the Young Brothers (Dmitri and Delmon, Bonderman and Zambrano.
I'm 9.5 games out of first place and the next closest team is 19.5 games out. But things can change so quickly.

In the other league, which is run by my friend and mentor Corey I'm fifth out of 12 teams, but am only 9 games out of first. My record is 66-63-11

In my three ESPN leagues I'm doing decent. In the league i'm in with mostly work peeps I'm first but have Lad and Sarah closely behind. In the other two leagues I'm third and fifth out of 10 teams respectively.

With all my success I was tempted to see if I could freelance for some fantasy games website or magazine I came across on a freelance site. But I wasn't sure if it was legit or if I even qualified to be able to do it.

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