Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Henne / NCAA Football 08

Today during my morning page shift at work I got an email and call that Michigan wide receiver Mario Manningham was going to be in attendance at a local football camp. So after I had my stuff done and the photographer was free we went over to check it out. Instead of Manningham being there, it was Michigan quarterback Chad Henne which was still cool in itself.

He seemed pretty cool and joked around with the kids and signed autographs for those in attendance. I thought the whole thing was pretty cool for the kids, knowing that with a real strong season this year Henne could potentially ensure that he will be a first round pick in the NFL Draft.

Since I'm on the topic of football, I went to pick up NCAA Football 08 when it came out at midnight Monday night/Tuesday AM and played it a little bit before going to bed and extensively on Tuesday when I wasn't busy doing other things. Most of the time was spent trying to put players names in the game but from what I have played so far I've noticed a few things

- Michigan's defense is absolutely dominant considering they lost a lot of playmakers in Woodley, Branch and Hall. EA Sports must be high on the maize n blue
- West Virginia seems unstoppable on the run - which I guess is apparent in real life. In the game, well half of game, I played with them I dominated with a mix of straight runs, scrambling plays or options to kill louisville.
- MSU seems to suck. Hoyer did nothing for me.
- EMU is rated 119 out of 119, but somehow I managed to beat Pittsburgh thanks to using Jones at quarterback to scramble.

All in all its a pretty cool game

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