Thursday, July 12, 2007

The unequality of the world

Recently Amy Jacobson, a Chicago television news station, was caught swimming in the pool at the house of a man who was a source for a story she was covering. Apparently the man's wife is missing and he could be a suspect in the case and she was spotted in a video tape with her kids swimming and hanging out in his pool. Earlier this week she ended up leaving her job.

Which brings up a good column I read in today's Chicago Tribune regarding the inequal treatment and how persons in the media often walk a finer line than those who are worshipped by many and looked at as a role models for several people - whether it be Paris Hilton, Kobe Bryant or any athlete for that matter.

Granted she shouldn't have been at the pool and made a mistake, but the above mentioned people have made so many mistakes and still continue to do what they are doing.

Below is the column written by Mike Downey in today's Tribune sports section

A television reporter at the NBC affiliate in Chicago has been fired because she went for a swim at a news source's home.

Fired, not suspended.


If you are a Chicago Cub and you throw a punch at the face of another baseball team's employee, you don't lose your job. You get a few games off.

If you are a Chicago White Sox employee and you call a representative of another company a "fag," you don't lose your job. You get suspended for one day.

If you are a Chicago Bear, get arrested on multiple occasions and even serve time in jail, you don't get fired. You get an invitation to rejoin your employers after a suspension as long as you don't get into any more trouble.

Amazing how this works.

A newspaper journalist in New York committed a serious breach of ethics, caught in the act of flagrant dishonesty. He was fired.

A baseball player in Chicago committed a serious breach of ethics, caught in the act of cheating with a corked bat. His employers defended him as a good fellow who made a mistake. After a brief suspension he was welcomed back to the team.

Where is the dividing line?

A radio personality in New York described a team of female athletes as "nappy-headed hos." It cost him his job.

A radio personality in Chicago described a woman on the air as a "bitch." He isn't going to lose his job over it, which only goes to prove that some public slurs are tolerated more than others.

A television news anchor in Los Angeles has been discovered to be having a personal relationship with the mayor. She has been placed on leave while awaiting word as to whether she will lose her job. The mayor won't lose his.

Which punishment is appropriate for which crime?

A hockey player ambushed an opponent, giving him a concussion and cracking vertebrae in the man's neck. He was suspended by the league but not permanently, and just last week he signed an $8 million contract with the NHL's championship team.

A star NBA player was accused of sexual assault and brought to trial, but he was not fired from his team. He was given a chance to redeem his good name.

When should you be given a second chance? Or a third or a fourth?

A number of players in the NBA went into the stands during a brawl and threw punches at fans. Most were given time off for bad behavior. Not one was fired from the team that employed him.

A football coach in the NFL was caught scalping his Super Bowl tickets. It was a breach of ethics, but it did not cost him his job. A disappointing record did.

Numerous baseball players have been caught in violation of an ethical obligation pertaining to substance abuse. In most cases, the player is suspended by the league but not kicked out of the organization permanently by his employer.

What about you?

If you got into an argument at work, then punched a colleague in his or her face, would you be suspended briefly without pay? Or would you be told to clear out your desk and never darken this doorway again.

There was an NFL player who punched a teammate at practice, shattering an orbital bone and jeopardizing that man's future. He received a brief suspension but eventually was welcomed back to the team.

Could you imagine going for a swim that gets you fired?

Not reassigned. Not reprimanded.

Not given a two-week or a two-month penalty and then a fresh chance, but a pink slip and a permanent goodbye.

Was the TV audience so astounded and offended that it couldn't condone a reporter who made an error in judgment?

This same public that can adapt and move on if a president lies about his infidelity or pardons a felon, it wouldn't be able to accept a TV reporter's future work from a crime scene because of an improper swim?

What, no "don't ever do that again" or "three strikes you're out" -- you're just gone?

Be an athlete and you can get away with murder. Or at least assault.

Be a part of a sports team and you can do or say almost anything. Your coach and teammates will tell the whole world what a good person you truly are and how deserving you are of a little compassion.

Swim with your kids at a news source's house or have a fling with the mayor, however, and you run the risk of being burned at the stake.

Attack somebody, verbally abuse somebody, commit a crime or get caught cheating at work. You will not be suspended, believe me. You will be fired.

Unless you play a sport, in which case you might have to take a week off.


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