Thursday, June 09, 2005


So I finally checked out the bowling alley in Adrian and it was pretty tight. This post will mostly interest Jason so sorry if this is boring to anyone else reading this.

I ended up bowling three games to simulate league play and bowled a 440 series (155, 153, 132)

The first game went pretty well for me. After only hitting 1 pin on my first roll I picked up the spare and then followed with a strike. After hitting 7 pins in the third frame i marked in frames four, five and six with a spare and two strikes. In the seventh frame I got 9 pins but couldnt get the spare, bowled another strike in the eighth frame, and then hit 8 pins in both the ninth and 10th frames.

In the second game i started off pretty hot, as I marked in each of the first six frames, gettin a spare, strike, spare, spare, spare, strike. In the seventh frame I hit nine on the first roll and just missed picking up the spare. I followed with nine in the eighth frame and a spare in the ninth frame and hitting nine pins in the 10th frame.

The third game was just probably me being tired. I opened with 7 the first grame and then got a strike, but really I wasnt able to capitalize and pick anything up. I got eight in the third frame, a spare in the fourth, a strike in the fifth, nine in the sixth, spares in the seventh and eighth. Then in frame nine i hit eight pins and I got nine in the 10th frame and missed my chance for an extra roll by failing to pick up the spare.

While at the alley some black dude came up to me and started talking to me. His name was Wes and he tried to recruit me for his bowling team in the fall and just came up to talk b/c there arent many blacks around here. He was cool - a pretty good bowler and J he has a Pittsburgh Steelers bowling ball and bowling bag. He said that was his team and raved about Big Ben (Roethlisberger that is, not our Ben on the Pistons)

I also met some workers at the place and I have a feeling they will be seeing me alot and they told me to keep on coming back - they just want me money - the little I do have - LOL

Alight enough of my bowling rambling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Awesome to hear. I bowled nine games Sunday (bowled lousy) and four yesterday (bowled great) with my roommates. My thumb's hurting a little bit, but I think I found that the source of my woes if just one of my bowling balls, so I'll have a long talk with Dad soon about my recent bowling stuff/how to fix the problem.

I'll send you details in an e-mail, since *cough* certain people *cough* view bowling as a pseudo-sport and comments on such as a waste of their precious bandwidth. :)


P.S. Just found (and e-mailed Nate about the fact that) my high school's in the state quarterfinals in baseball. I selfishly want them to lose so my quiz bowl team's third-place performance my junior year remains the best performance by a CL team. Although, I guess they can win and lose in the semifinals, so I get a chance to watch (the semis and finals are in Battle Creek).