Tuesday, June 07, 2005

recent times

Hell yea to the Pistons - going to the NBA Finals again - and Eastern Conference champions two straight years! I love it!

Just to catch up on the past few days

Friday was an off day, a nice relaxing day. K visited for a brief period before goin home and then after that while I was outside sayin bye to her, I met the guy who I share a bedroom wall with and the girl that lives above me and ending up having a couple of bud lights w/ the girl above me and our landlord who is good pals with the girl who lives above me. So that was kinda cool and I found out the girl above me (lindsay) goes to EMU and wants to be a sports broadcaster.

Saturday I was out in the hot sun all day covering district baseball games at Clinton. Man was it hot and the sun was so draining. Blissfield won the district I was covering, which was totally expected.

Blissfield baseball story

While in between baseball games I caught some of the 12 inning marathon of a softball game between Clinton and Ida which Clinton won 1-0. Man was it exciting.
On Sat I ended up working until about 9:3o and was bored after that so I just saw the end of the Pistons game and tried to find sumpin to do before crashin

Funny thing bout me being at work Sunday and one of my coworkers had called the Detroit News to find the winner of a district. After he found out what he needed he passed the phone over to me and told me someone wanted to talk to me - i was confused but when I picked up it was Art on the other line asking how I was doing and about the job. Gotta love when you talk to your mentor and someone who has helped you out so much.

I hung out with K Sunday for a bit and went bowling w/ her and her lil sister from Big Brother Big Sister. I didnt bring my ball but used a house ball and bowled my first turkey ever (J i almost text'd u to tell you of my feat). I prolly hadnt bowled since like April 20th or sumpin like that so I was impressed with the 145 I bowled and I had a 115 going into the 10th frame before our hour expired. And I had K beat in both games. =)
I also sawRobers on my way home as we met up and ate Wendys.
Also while I was wiht K i met her sister and then we walked around the Taste of Ann Arbor and stopped at this little restaurant in downtown for a quick snack

Yesterday I went home to get a new cell! Its pretty tight, its got internet and I can dl ringtones. I left at 7:45 am and got back at about 2:45. While I was home I swung by my house to pick up a few things and stopped to see my mom at work.

I chilled a bit and then went into work at 6:30 for a little bit to work on my baseball regional preview for Thursdays paper. No one was in the office from sports and it was a very slow night. I did however take a phone call - turned out to be Mark Heller at the AA News - asking about who won a certain district that we covered

I think thats all I needed to write for now - more to come

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