Thursday, June 02, 2005

reviewing the day

Today (well yesterday now) started out interesting for me

I woke up to a call from my editor Sean at 7:45 am wondering if I could come in ASAP because my headshot pic for my column was misplaced and they needed it so the page could be complete.
So that was an interesting start - so I hurried up and put my dress shirt on with a tie and some jeans and got on over to work. After that since I was up and out I headed to pick up a newspaper at Meijer and got a chocolate cake

And here is my column for those who were curious to see: DTII column

Anyways I chilled at the apartment for most of the day and went into work at 6. It was boring for the first two hours, because no calls came in. I did meet one of the staff writers for sports that I hadn't met yet and he was cool and I talked to him for a few

Things didnt actually pick up until 9 when I got a call from the Tecumseh lacrosse coach. After doing the write up on that I ended up doing some work with the baseball and softball leaderboards for our preps page in Thursday's paper.

And while I'm on the topic of sports related things at the paper, one of the things we have at the top of our sports page on a daily basis is a thing called on the lighter side and it just provides some kind of unique tidbit of something in the news. One that stood out to me last week was a quote of Shaq's that I thoroughly enjoyed.

"At this point in my career, I'm done with trying to achieve individual accolades. They mean nothing. When I was younger I tried to get it. I tried to get them all. ... But that doesnt mean anything. ...Nash had a great year. Now, if it was voted on by some legends or some players, you know it would concern me. But it's voted on by earthlings. Earthlings make mistakes." - Shaq in response to if not getting the NBA's MVP award bothered him

Anyways i should be trying to hit the bed soon here - and btw K, the fish got fed!

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