Wednesday, July 27, 2005

a visit w/ Art, work stuff and Danica

An interesting day today. Began bright and early at 5 am with me gettin my first run at pages. Typically theres only three pages to design in the AM but today there were five. Just my damn luck. So after completing the pages and proofing them it was time to work on my big story which is 80 inches long - crazy shit.

Sean and I went through it and then I left for a bit and came back in the office at 1:30 ish to talk to James about the story and he hadn't read it completely but marked it up pretty well when he was done with it so its back to the drawing board on that one.

Art came down today which was pretty awesome - got to have lunch with the prof and his wife at one of my new favorite establishments - Garfields which is located in the lovely Adrian mall. Good times for sure and it was kind of cool showing Art my work and stuff like that and gettin his feedback, just like the good ol days.

While I've been talkin about work, I swear these parents of these little league kids are freakin nuts. While in the office yesterday I got a call from some guy bitchin bout why we dont have a reporter covering little league and the championship game for the 11 year olds in midland and the coach complaining b/c no one got his results when he phoned it in to the wrong number and a couple of parents calling right after i got off the phone with him. Like clearly I didn't think your calls were staged. Then I'm in at 6 am and another parents is being an ass and calls. I mean seriously 6 am - take your ass to work or go back to bed. Why bitch that early in the AM.

Then today this guy I always saw when I covered Blissfield games comes in and is like hey buddy and drops off a damn picture with his second place little league team that went 5-1 in this tourney. He had called earlier bitchin at us to put something in. I swear these people think were some kind of yearbook or something. They are driving me nuts!

Ok done with that rant.
Other things newsworthy today
-Tigers at .500 (50-50)
- my other team the Nats keeps on slippin and blew Livans lead - damn bullpen (right J)
- The Freep had a big story on Danica today and Art told me the News should have one tomorrow
(Free Press Danica story)

Danica Patrick - what a hottie

And I got an email from this guy at MIS not too long ago and me and my boss Sean might get to ride in these passenger cars designed to imitate IRL cars around the speedway on Friday. Freakin sweet.

if the glove don't fit you must acquit

Haha - most people know my thoughts about O.J. Simpson and the whole dealings with Nicole Brown and such because it was something that came up in many random convos at the Echo when we all should have been working on stuff for the next edition of the paper or on pizza Thursday nights.

So even though OJ is a free man, he found himself back in the news again about a decade after he first bursted on the scene for something other than being a star running back and being a spokesman for Hertz (I believe). A decade after the famous white bronco chase I remember watching as an 11-year old

Today OJ was fined for stealing DirecTV programs basically. How ghetto is what I have to say to that. His boy Johnnie Cochran wont/and cant help him get out of this one (RIP).

OJ Simpson story

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

How Ghetto Are you?

I saw this on my myspace and found it interesting so check it out and do it

Ghetto Test

If the statement is true add the points in parenthesis to your score.
Scoring is given at the bottom of the test. Post you're answer at the bottom.

1. You've ever used an album cover or old envelope for a dustpan. (5 points)
2. You've ever put foil on your TV antennas to get better reception. (8 points)
3. You've ever had to use pliers to turn your TV on. (7points)
4. You had to come in the house when the street lights came on. (6 points)
5. You had a candy lady in your neighborhood. (5 + 5 extra points if your house was the candy lady)
6. If you can count more than five police cars in your neighborhood on a daily basis. (3 points)
7. If you ever had to pick your own switch or belt. (3 points for each)
8. If you've ever been beaten with an extension cord. (15 points)
9. If you have ever had to walk to or home from school. (2 points)
10. If you've ever passed someone a note asking "Do you like me?" or "Can I have a chance?" check _yes, _no or _maybe. (7 points)
11. If you have ever used dish washing liquid for bubble bath. (9points)
12. If you have ever mixed up some Kool-Aid and the found that you didn't have any sugar. (4 points & add 4 if you put the pitcher in the refrigerator until you got some sugar)
13. If you have ever played any of the following games. (2 points each): (hide and go seek, freeze tag, captain or momma may I?, or red light..yellow light 123!)
14. If your neighborhood had an ice cream man. (2 points + 2 if he rang a bell + 5 if he played R&B)
15. If you remember any of the following candies. (1 point each): cherry clans, lemon heads, Alexander the grape, ring pops, Chico sticks, baked beans, candy cigarettes, powder packs with the white dip stick, big league chew, "Wine" Candy (jolly ranchers), jaw breakers, and candy necklaces.
16. If you refer to Now and Laters candies as "Nighladers". (6 points)
17. If you've ever ran from the police on foot. (5 points + 5 if you got away)
18. If you remember underoos or the Wonder Woman bra and panty set. (6 points + 4 if you owned some)
19. If you've ever had reusable grease in a container on your stove. (5 points)
20. The batteries in your remote control are held in by a piece of tape. (5 points)
21. If you've ever used any of the following for drinking glasses. (3 points each): jelly jars, mayonnaise jars, mason jars, or peanut butter jars.
22. You've ever covered your furniture in plastic. (2 points)
23. The heels of your feet have ever looked like you had been kicking flour. (1point)
24. If you have ever worn any of the following fragrances. (1 point each): Brute, Hai Karate, Jean Nate, Old Spice, Chloe, English Leather, Stetson, Charlie, or Faberge'.
25. You've ever used Tussy. (9 points)
26. You've never been to the dentist. (10 points + 10 if you've never been to the doctor.)
27. You've ever wore clothes with the tag still on them. (4 points)
28. If you're acquainted with someone with a name as follows. (3 points): Kay-Kay, Lee-Lee, Ree-Ree, Ray-Ray, etc.
29. You have ever paged yourself for any reason. (3 points)
30. You've ever worn house shoes outside of the house. (2 points)
31. You add "ED" or "T" to the end of words already in the past tense (for example, Tooked, Light-Skinneded, kilt, ruint, etc). (3 points)
32. You pronounce words like this (1 point for each example you can think of skrimps or strimps, skreet, axe (ask), member (remember), frigerator, etc.
33. You use nem' to describe a certain group of people (for example Craig and nem' or momma and nem'). (6 points)
34. You've ever had a crack across your windshield and never bothered to get it fixed. (3 points)
35. You've ever driven on a donut more than 2 weeks after your flat. (4 points)
36. You've ever asked a perfect stranger to take a picture with you and told your friends it was someone you dated. (3 points)
37. Your child drops his/her pacifier and you sanitize it by sucking it. (7 points)
38. If you've ever ran a race barefoot in the middle of the street at approximately 11 at night. (10 points)
39. You've ever left a social gathering with a plate. (1 point)
40. You leave a restaurant with silverware, sugar, and/or jelly. (8 points)
41. You think "red" is a flavor of Kool-Aid. (4 points)
42. You can't hold a glass because of the length of your nails. (3 points)
43. The gold teeth in your mouth spell words. (8 points)
44. You don't have your own place but your child has a leather coat and a pair of Jordan's. (5 points)
45. If you've ever had to get to the driver's side of the car through the passenger side door. (8 points)
46. You have ever slept in a chair to avoid messing up your hair. (7 points)
47. You constantly hit *69 and ask, "Did you just call here?" (10 points)
48. You won't answer the phone if you don't recognize the number on the caller id box. (7 points)
49. You know a child who can't speak, but can do the "bank-head bounce." (15 points)
50. You think Tupac is still alive. (20 points)

0 - 30 - You have enjoyed a nice sheltered life in the suburbs.
31 - 60 - Hood movies have given you a little exposure.
61 - 100 - You may have visited the hood a few times or on weekends.
101 - 130 - You probably spent a few years in the hood, and moved to the suburbs.
131 - 160 - You're the genuine article. You are no stranger to hood life.
161 - 200 - You are definitely, without a doubt an expert on life in the hood.
201+ - Congratulations! You are Ghetto Fabulous!

Jhess-- 97, guess I'm not all that ghetto!
Josie--124. What Jhess? We grew up in the same neighborhood! I have a higher score than you AND I'm white! haha
Cynthia-- 108, LOL...WOW...Guess the Nati is pretty ghetto!
Brian - 100 - how the hell is Cynthia more ghetto than me

controversial story

So of late I've been working on my big long story about summer camps but they funny thing is that a story I had in Sunday's paper keeps coming up and it seems to be a little controversial.

Check this out - Legion baseball story

I've interviewed five people for my story that mentioned this story and asked if the reason I was doing it was because of this, which totally wasnt the reason. I was assigned to do it before this event happened but luckily this thing came a long which can help add to my story.

Anyways yesterday got a chance to catch up w/ Robers after her weekend at home and we met at Applebees in Dundee for lunch/dinner. That was pretty fun and I enjoyed a nice little car ride listening to the Tigs beat the Twins. Its nice to see the boys in the hunt for the wild card - only four games out with the trade deadline fast approaching. This week will definitely be a big one

And it will be busy for me as well. Tomorrow I'm going to some MHSAA luncheon and then other than working on my story. Wednesday morning i'll be doing pages and then I'll be at MIS the entire weekend it looks like. Man will it be crazy but I hope its not so hot!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

what a game

Last night I lucked out and caught another great Tigers game, watching them romp to a 12-6 victory over the Twins as they had a season-high 18 hits. Craig Monroe was the freakin man going 5-for-5 with 6 RBIs. Not a bad day at the ball park. And it was a pretty fun game. It was nice to see Curtis Granderson (one of my fave up and coming Tigs) called up and having a solid day (2-for-4) in his season debut.

Ended up checking it out with Jen Dick, her friend Krysta and Katie. It was kinda last minute that we decided to go but it was definitely a fun time. Saw Eddie Davis working the entrance gates and then got to holla at my boy Scott Biggar who I caught at the game again with his girlfriend Karen and her dad and sister. It was pretyt cool and I actually met up with him before the post-game firework display at Comerica.

Leaving the game was another random experience. As we were waiting for traffic to move again this guy in a white SUV rowed down his window to blare his music and was like yeah that guy likes my music pointing at me. He then proceeds and gets out of his car to give me some fist, so we pounded our fist together and he got back in his car. They moved farther along in traffic and when we caught up to them again he was like where you from - i told him just outside of benton harbor - he was so drunk he had no clue so I was like by lake michigan. He responded sweet and said hope to see you at more Tigers games dude and I was like fo sho and he said for sure.

We passed them along in traffic and they caught up to us and he was like you guys go to EMU and I said yea and asked if we knew someone and I was like no but is she hot. He waved his hands to say shes alight but I wouldn't tap that. That pretty much resulted in the end of our convo but it was definitely pretty random.

When I got back into Adrian last night I went to Rallys which is becoming like my Friday night ritual. Every time I get off work I'm always there at 1 am on a Friday night.

This morning I went to cover a legion baseball game but the team that was playing the Adrian/Blissfield posts had to forfeit because they only had seven players because some of the team was missing to participate in various football camps. Kind of a shame since it was a district championship game. What can you do? Still turned in a interesting 10 inch story out of nothing though. So a pretty easy day thus far.

Looking forward to watching Justin Verlander pitch tonight whether it be in person or in front of my tv. Go Tigs

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Wheldon luncheon

Yesterday had to be one of my most interesting experiences as a young journalist thus far. I was at the media luncheon for Dan Wheldon at Webers Inn in Ann Arbor and just being around the group of journalists that were there was pretty tight. You had Jim Carty from the AA News, Mike Brudenell from the Detroit Free Press, Angelique Chengelis from the Detroit News, Matt Markey from the Toledo Blade and a few others I recognized at the small event.

And when it was time for the meal I was sitting next to some guy from IRL on one side and Wheldon on the other side. I mean it was definitely crazy to be sitting next to an Indy 500 winner. Was I star struck? Please. Racing people just dont do that to me. And I think it would be very hard for me to be star struck anyways just because its part of the job of being a journalist.

As far as Wheldon was as a person he was definitely pretty cool. Angelique asked him a question about Danica Patrick and her similarity to Anna Kournikova and something to that effect and he twisted it around and was like "are you asking me on a date" - Angelique quickly responded and was like no i think my husband would be mad.

But he seems to definitely love the ladies. He talked about how he went to the playboy mansion and that boys will be boys. Also said Danica was hot and talked about how he met Sharapova and he thought she was hot. One of the funny things was he talked about how he was on the Regis and Kelly show and he thought Kelly looked good for having three kids. He then said if my future wife doesnt look that good after having three kids then were gonna have some problems. LOL.

All in all it was pretty tight fo sho.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Tigers pitcher Jamie Walker on the actions of Kansas City pitcher Runelvys Hernandez, which led to the benches clearing brawl on Sunday.

"He's the one I still have hard feelings against," Walker said. "I'd tell him how I feel to his face. But maybe someone will hit a line drive to his face and knock his teeth out."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

customer is always right

So the customer is definitely always right - for the most part. And I was the beneficiary of one of those based on my visit to Tim Hortons last Friday. The visit pretty much breaks down that I got an iced cappucino and a chocolate donut. The drink was fine but the donut was horrible because when the girl put it in the bag she did it in away that when i took the donut out of the bag all the chocolate frosting was stuck to the top of the bag. So I called wrote an email based on my experience because this was one of my first visits to Tim Horton and it really didnt impress me. Sure enough today I got a call and I'm getting free gift certificates and the lady was like I'm glad you complained because I know exactly what happened and we need to be aware of it. Plus she said she got her start with the company after initially filing a complaint about somethign. So that was interesting.

In other news, I was at Meijer today and I was wearing this shirt i got from Aeropostale that says Cancun Coast Patrol on it. As I'm walking out the door some old lady comes up to me and was I bet your glad your not there. I was like thats random until I realized that I had Cancun on my shirt and the hurricanes.

I also finally got a Washington Nationals fitted cap. I got the road cap - I gotta support my NL team especially since it appears they have a better chance of making the playoffs than my beloved Tigers. But they are struggling and the Braves are fast approaching.

Speaking of that, I pretty much did my first day of full section design today. Went in at 5 am and designed all three pages of the sports section. I'm gradually getting there with figuring out all the things and all the rules our paper applies by and how it differs from the Echo.

Also work is finally picking up again. Tomorrow I'm going to a media luncheon at Webers Inn in Ann Arbor to interview Dan Wheldon, who won the Indy 500. Then I gotta put a story together for our preview tabloid for the Indy Racing League race at MIS at the end of this month. Also I have a big story that will be 40 inches that I'm working on about whether sports camps are a burden or benefit to children. Should be interesting to see how that turns out.

Also I will get to cover a legion baseball game this weekend so that should be cool as well. I really havent done to much writing lately and the only thing I really have written about was an Lenawee Amateur Baseball Association game this past Saturday. Besides working this weekend, my best pal Robers visited for a bit which was fun as always and we even did some grocery shopping together and she made me brownies. Man am i spoiled sometimes - lol.

Lately I've also got a chance to talk with some peeps I graduated high school with. I havent really been big on keeping in touch and I should be better about it because I had some pretty awesome friends from my days in Coloma. Like last night my pal Amy Koenigshof (one of my closest pals) called me out the blue which was awesome. Then I emailed another good pal Christin Davis back and forth a few times yesterday. Plus there is myspace which has allowed me to talk to a few of my tight pals from HS as well.

Other random things just to write about. what exactly is the thrill with Harry Potter. I mean is it that deep that people call off work that day before it comes out so they can sleep all day and then get up at midnight to pick up the book and start reading it. I mean come on! it cant be that deep.

Ok I think I've done enough rambling for now.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Old brawl game

Man what a fight there was in Sunday's Tigers-Royals game - too bad the Tigers couldn't pick the win but if I'm a major league baseball player, I'd know one thing - dont fuck with Kyle Farnsworth. Man is he a beast especially the way he body slammed KC reliever Jeremy Affeldt.

And ESPN and other places were showing the way he body slammed a player from the Reds a couple years ago after he charged the mound after he was hit by Farnsworth. Among other thigns, Jeremy Bonderman looked livid during the brawl and it looked like it was a job trying to restrain him from beating someones ass.

Friday, July 15, 2005

NCAA Football '06

Sorry this post might only pertain to those who have bought / or are into video games.

The new college football game from EA Sports is tight - if your a college football/video game fan its definitely a must have and way better than the 05 edition as should be expected.

I've been addicted to the game ever since I picked it up on Tuesday when it came out. Its the only game I ever pre-order.

I think the game might be a bit too easy as I easily whipped Cincinnati on the All-american (2nd hardest) level with EMU 51-24 and had Matt Bohnet throw three touchdowns to Eric Deslaurier while Sherrell rushed for 158 yards and 2 TD's on 11 carries. But we will see how it goes as I progress. EMU is actually rated pretty high in the MAC so the days of being doormats are over.

Lets hope the Eagles do just as good in real life.

Best of all the Heisman mode is pretty darn tight. I've tried it and ended up getting a scholarship from Purdue and won a starting wide receiver job as a freshman and ended up scoring 2 TDs and gaining close to 200 yds in my college debut vs. Akron. A very tight dimension as are the video clips of players who won the Heisman.

The soundtrack kinda sucks with the only good song in my opinion being Me, Myself, and I by De La Soul, but what can you do. And why isn't EMU's fight song constantly missing from the game when CMU and WMU and most other MAC schools have theirs in.

Alright enough of this rant.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

All Star game recap

So the All Star game was won by the American League once again - its no eight straight times what we call the junior circuit has beaten the National League.
With that streak in tact, you think a person like Pedro Martinez would want to represent the NL and help them get out of the slump they are in but he declined to attend the game despite being selected by his peers.

Anyways, while out to lunch today with my boss Sean and a few other co-workers at Mancinos, I got to hear about what it was like working as the media at the game and about the foreign media.

First of all is the foreign media objective?? They were at the All Star game wearing jerseys (Ichiro ones), posing for pictures with the players after interviewing them and actively cheering. I guess Sean said media from the Dominican Republic were like actively chanting Ortiz after David "big Papi" Ortiz did something good. In school here we were taught to not cheer and to be professional and not cheer and wear our pride when covering somethign. And this was the All Star game. This reminds me when I read about the foreign media wearing I love Manu (Ginobili) shirts during the NBA Finals.

Sean also talked about Pudge who was taking batting practice and proceeded to tell the media he wasnt doing any interviews. Then comes along some fine lady from Telemundo seeking an interview and of course Pudge does it with her. I guess she was really hot and that was enough to perk him up - (Hey Pudge is going through a divorce now so hes a free man). And I guess that same chick came up to him later and got a second interview. Ha what a pimp.

Anyways these were all stories I found to be entertaining.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

HR Derby

So the weekend wasnt too eventful after I last updated. Hung out with the girl upstairs, the landlord Rhonda and her roomie CJ upstairs for a bit and sat on the patio and shot the shit. I got bit tho - damn bugs

Anyways that leads me to today - and something I've been excited bout for a long time - The All Star game in Detroit. I almost decided to go the HR derby but the price was a little too steep for me but man did Bobby Abreu put on a show with the 24 homers in the first round. One of the best things was seeing Pudge make it to the finals, especially playing at his home ball park with the home town crowd cheering him on. Its too bad he couldnt be like Ryan Sandberg and be the only player to win the HR Derby in his home ballpark like Sandberg did at Wrigley Field in 1990.

The funny thing is he only has like six homers this season and everyone else in the competition had way more. It was interesting when they were doing the opener for the show and they showed the participants and had on the screen how many homers they had this season except for Pudge. For him they did the amount of career home runs he has.

Also in regards to the Home Run derby, i liked the new format where players were representing their countries. Adds a new flair to it and the players seemed to enjoy it as they were waving around their countries flags. Definitely exciting just to see how much fun they were all having.

I'm very pumped about the game tomorrow. I think baseball definitely had the best all star game/weekend of all the sports. the NBA is tight with the slam dunk contest and rookie/sophomore game but for some reason baseball has it all beat. You have the futures game, the celeberty/legends game and the home run derby which provide a lot of excitement and then you have the game.

ok enough about my stupid ranting - i need to take my ass to bed

Saturday, July 09, 2005

me = Ronald Dupree

So today I decided to check out the YMCA right down the road from my house thanks to persuasion from this girl Amber, who went to Grand Valley and I met through my friend from home Lynz who visited me last September at good ol EMU. Amber is from around the area and works at the Y and called me and told me she'd show me around so I took her up on the offer. She gave me membership info and then left me to play at the basketball courts which was cool and fun.

I ended up playing a pick-up game with this kid from Madison High School (it neighbors Adrian). His last name was Smead and he was a sophomore in high school and was a pretty solid bball player who might be playing varsity in the winter. When he found out I work at the paper he told me to put his name in it - he will have to earn it first but if he hits shots like he was when he played I'm sure it will go in. We played a pretty contested game but my ass is so out of shape that I got beat. That was my first time hooping since like March, if not before that. After hitting a three to open the scoring i pretty much had to use my height and speed advantage in the paint against the kid.

Anyways his friend was watchin adn wanted to take me on - I told him id try but i really didnt have much energy left in the tank. I was beating the kid (we played to 5) 3-2 when I just got so tired so I ended up losing 5-3 . I'll get em next time when Im back in shape.

But after we got done playin the guys told me I should come back during the week when they are running full court games and try to hop in. They asked when I was coming back andI told them I had no clue but I think i'll need to check it out soon. Then the kid was like you know who u look like? I was like who and he told me Ronald Dupree. I'd never heard that shit before but dont think I do at all

i mean does this guy look like me??

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Real World and other ramblings

Ahh why am i fricking addicted to the Real World. After seeing all three episodes this weekend I had to watch it tonight and boy was it frickin crazy

Well it wasn't crazy during the show - just with the previews for the next show with Melinda and Wes kissing. Man what a hater - I feel for my man who just had surgery. I actually cant wait to see it next week now. Wow I'm a loser gettin excited bout the Real World - remeinds me of something I'd do in HS. But while I'm talking about it let me just say Rachel is hot and Nehemiah is my boy. Gotta stick with the black brotha on the show since hes the only one.

Anyways as for me I'm not up to much. Today I had to get up early to do page design and it will be that way tomorrow so needless to say im hitting the bed as soon as i complete this entry.

Oh and I cant believe its bout that time to get ready for fantasy football and college football. I just set up one of my fantasy leagues on today and Mike Eckert and Robers joined already. Then next Tuesday I get to start my college football season when NCAA Football 2006 comes out - I'm so pumped for that!

The fourth was decent. Katie and Robers came down and we grilled and watched some tv. I beat Katie at Tigers Woods golf in a skins match (I was Tiger she was Justin Leonard - of course Tigers Woods would win) and Amy and I played some catch. Hadn't tossed a baseball in eons. The food was good, especially corn on the grill - yummy.

Lynz called me last night to wish me happy anniversary. Thats right - the annivesary of the day we met when she dumped sand all over my hair at Silver Beach two years ago. MEANIE - i never did get her back for that.

And the Tigs won today! Magglio hit his second home run as a Tig - bout time they won after lookin pretty bad yesterday in that doubleheader vs Cleveland. Alight enough of my ramblings and jumping from topic to topic. I shall close now and hit the frickin bed

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hey now your an All Star.....

Get your game on go play, hey now your a rock star get the show on, get paid If all that glitters is gold, only shooting stars break the mold

So yeah the All Star game is in Detroit in exactly a week from today and this Sunday marked the naming of the AL and NL All Star reserves and pitchers. Now every year theres always some people that you feel should have been All Stars but weren't picked and this year was no different. Although this year I thought fans did an excellent job with picking the starters for the game and gave credit to where credit was due. Like Brian Roberts from Baltimore starting at second base. Before the season, most people probably had no clue as to who he is.

So it was a solid year for the fans, but I am biast about one selection to the AL Roster - Kenny Rogers. Yes Kenny Rogers, the guy who just got suspended 20 games for beating up the media because a camera man didnt get away from him. Sure he has good numbers but is this an action we'd like to condone? And plus this is the All Star game, where media from ALL OVER the world will be attending and covering. CAn we be sure that Mr. Rogers won't throw another tempertantrum?

As a Detroit fan myself, I was hoping Jeremy Bonderman would have earned a spot as a pitcher. The first Tigers pitcher since Bill Gullickson in the early 90's to have 10 wins BEFORE the all star break. Hes on pace to have the most wins of his career and is among the top-10 in the American League in strikeouts. The only thing he has going against him was probably the fact that he got shelled in Arizona last Sunday and lasted two innings which brought his ERA over 4. But then he followed that on Friday by pitching a complete game against the Yankees and limiting their lineup full of stars to 2 runs. I mean thats impressive and he did that in his last start before the teams were picked.

His ERA however is still just a tad over 4 (4.12 to be exact) which probably doesnt meet up to standards but why not let the hometown guy pitch an inning in front of his home fans, with the other Tiger All Star (Ivan Rodriguez) catching for him. It would be better than having someone that beats up on media.

Thanks to Drew Sharp too who hit my ideas right on the nail -

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Jason tagged me

List five things you enjoy, even when no one is around you. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Post it to your journal, and then tag five friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1. Bowling. - I tend to agree with you here J - its one of those things I just go and do by myself. It is awesome to go on bowling dates but hey when your by urself its not a bad things and a great way to clear your mind

2. Tigers baseball - Thank God for FSN and having Tigers games - on nights when I'm free I always jsut pop the game on and that keeps me entertained because watching theTigers is exciting and at the same time frustrating when they lose 1-0 games because they dont execute properly - but i like the product that is being put on the field

3. Playstation 2 - Another things I'm glad to have - Nothing like playin a game of MVP baseball or NCAA football when ur bored. And winning national championships and doing what your favorite teams never can seem to do. Ah the world of fantasy

4. Myspace / Facebook - two of the most addicting things ever right now - Myspace being the one right now, but it humors me to browse through peoples profiles and also its pretty cool to see what music people are rocking out to

5. Listening to tunes - Nothing like bumpin some music and laying around

As for the people I'm tagging- who ever reads this. Not many people browse through here so if u read it, do it!

been awhile

its definitely been awhile since i last posted on this - ive been slacking

i havent really been up to to much of late. Went to the Tigers game on Friday and judging by the scores from yesterday and todays game (8-4 loss yesterday, 1-0 today) i definitely picked the correct day to go. It was the Tigs against the Yanks with future Hall of Famer Randy Johnson on the mound against my boy Jeremy Bonderman. Plus Magglio Ordonez was making his return to the bigs from Toledo and playing in his first game for the Tigs since early April.

Turns out the Tigs won 10-2, Bonderman pitched a complete game, Placido Polanco had 5 RBIs and Ordonez hit a homer. Plus I saw some tight ass fireworks after the game. I saw my boy Scott B at the game which was tight and moved over to his section for the final two innings of the game.

After the game I stopped in Ypsi to see my good pals Rachel and Cynthia and we went to Steak and Shake (where else) with Rach's roomie from last year Amanda. Always a good time.

As far as work is concerned thats going fine. Did design work on Thurs and Friday and trying to get that stuff down. Tuesday I covered an American Legion baseball game. On Friday our big scholar-athlete tab came out which was profiling the best of the best in Lenawee County.

Alight anwyays thats all I got for now - hope to update a lot sooner next time