Tuesday, July 26, 2005

controversial story

So of late I've been working on my big long story about summer camps but they funny thing is that a story I had in Sunday's paper keeps coming up and it seems to be a little controversial.

Check this out - Legion baseball story

I've interviewed five people for my story that mentioned this story and asked if the reason I was doing it was because of this, which totally wasnt the reason. I was assigned to do it before this event happened but luckily this thing came a long which can help add to my story.

Anyways yesterday got a chance to catch up w/ Robers after her weekend at home and we met at Applebees in Dundee for lunch/dinner. That was pretty fun and I enjoyed a nice little car ride listening to the Tigs beat the Twins. Its nice to see the boys in the hunt for the wild card - only four games out with the trade deadline fast approaching. This week will definitely be a big one

And it will be busy for me as well. Tomorrow I'm going to some MHSAA luncheon and then other than working on my story. Wednesday morning i'll be doing pages and then I'll be at MIS the entire weekend it looks like. Man will it be crazy but I hope its not so hot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the story, Brian. It goes outside the box of the traditional cut-and-dry sports story. You could easily have left the game without doing a story, but instead you stayed and turned up the underlying tension after the forfeit. Nice job.
