Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Real World and other ramblings

Ahh why am i fricking addicted to the Real World. After seeing all three episodes this weekend I had to watch it tonight and boy was it frickin crazy

Well it wasn't crazy during the show - just with the previews for the next show with Melinda and Wes kissing. Man what a hater - I feel for my man who just had surgery. I actually cant wait to see it next week now. Wow I'm a loser gettin excited bout the Real World - remeinds me of something I'd do in HS. But while I'm talking about it let me just say Rachel is hot and Nehemiah is my boy. Gotta stick with the black brotha on the show since hes the only one.

Anyways as for me I'm not up to much. Today I had to get up early to do page design and it will be that way tomorrow so needless to say im hitting the bed as soon as i complete this entry.

Oh and I cant believe its bout that time to get ready for fantasy football and college football. I just set up one of my fantasy leagues on today and Mike Eckert and Robers joined already. Then next Tuesday I get to start my college football season when NCAA Football 2006 comes out - I'm so pumped for that!

The fourth was decent. Katie and Robers came down and we grilled and watched some tv. I beat Katie at Tigers Woods golf in a skins match (I was Tiger she was Justin Leonard - of course Tigers Woods would win) and Amy and I played some catch. Hadn't tossed a baseball in eons. The food was good, especially corn on the grill - yummy.

Lynz called me last night to wish me happy anniversary. Thats right - the annivesary of the day we met when she dumped sand all over my hair at Silver Beach two years ago. MEANIE - i never did get her back for that.

And the Tigs won today! Magglio hit his second home run as a Tig - bout time they won after lookin pretty bad yesterday in that doubleheader vs Cleveland. Alight enough of my ramblings and jumping from topic to topic. I shall close now and hit the frickin bed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having me over Bri! It was fun to hang out with you! I hope that we can see each other more often now and that I don't have to wait 2 more months to see you again! Thanks again! :)