Sunday, July 03, 2005

been awhile

its definitely been awhile since i last posted on this - ive been slacking

i havent really been up to to much of late. Went to the Tigers game on Friday and judging by the scores from yesterday and todays game (8-4 loss yesterday, 1-0 today) i definitely picked the correct day to go. It was the Tigs against the Yanks with future Hall of Famer Randy Johnson on the mound against my boy Jeremy Bonderman. Plus Magglio Ordonez was making his return to the bigs from Toledo and playing in his first game for the Tigs since early April.

Turns out the Tigs won 10-2, Bonderman pitched a complete game, Placido Polanco had 5 RBIs and Ordonez hit a homer. Plus I saw some tight ass fireworks after the game. I saw my boy Scott B at the game which was tight and moved over to his section for the final two innings of the game.

After the game I stopped in Ypsi to see my good pals Rachel and Cynthia and we went to Steak and Shake (where else) with Rach's roomie from last year Amanda. Always a good time.

As far as work is concerned thats going fine. Did design work on Thurs and Friday and trying to get that stuff down. Tuesday I covered an American Legion baseball game. On Friday our big scholar-athlete tab came out which was profiling the best of the best in Lenawee County.

Alight anwyays thats all I got for now - hope to update a lot sooner next time

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