Sunday, July 03, 2005

Jason tagged me

List five things you enjoy, even when no one is around you. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Post it to your journal, and then tag five friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1. Bowling. - I tend to agree with you here J - its one of those things I just go and do by myself. It is awesome to go on bowling dates but hey when your by urself its not a bad things and a great way to clear your mind

2. Tigers baseball - Thank God for FSN and having Tigers games - on nights when I'm free I always jsut pop the game on and that keeps me entertained because watching theTigers is exciting and at the same time frustrating when they lose 1-0 games because they dont execute properly - but i like the product that is being put on the field

3. Playstation 2 - Another things I'm glad to have - Nothing like playin a game of MVP baseball or NCAA football when ur bored. And winning national championships and doing what your favorite teams never can seem to do. Ah the world of fantasy

4. Myspace / Facebook - two of the most addicting things ever right now - Myspace being the one right now, but it humors me to browse through peoples profiles and also its pretty cool to see what music people are rocking out to

5. Listening to tunes - Nothing like bumpin some music and laying around

As for the people I'm tagging- who ever reads this. Not many people browse through here so if u read it, do it!


Anonymous said...

Myspace is interesting, but the layout for Facebook is much cleaner and crisper. I like Facebook better.


Anonymous said...

I suppose that means I am tagged now. I'll get around to it! :) -A