Tuesday, July 12, 2005

HR Derby

So the weekend wasnt too eventful after I last updated. Hung out with the girl upstairs, the landlord Rhonda and her roomie CJ upstairs for a bit and sat on the patio and shot the shit. I got bit tho - damn bugs

Anyways that leads me to today - and something I've been excited bout for a long time - The All Star game in Detroit. I almost decided to go the HR derby but the price was a little too steep for me but man did Bobby Abreu put on a show with the 24 homers in the first round. One of the best things was seeing Pudge make it to the finals, especially playing at his home ball park with the home town crowd cheering him on. Its too bad he couldnt be like Ryan Sandberg and be the only player to win the HR Derby in his home ballpark like Sandberg did at Wrigley Field in 1990.

The funny thing is he only has like six homers this season and everyone else in the competition had way more. It was interesting when they were doing the opener for the show and they showed the participants and had on the screen how many homers they had this season except for Pudge. For him they did the amount of career home runs he has.

Also in regards to the Home Run derby, i liked the new format where players were representing their countries. Adds a new flair to it and the players seemed to enjoy it as they were waving around their countries flags. Definitely exciting just to see how much fun they were all having.

I'm very pumped about the game tomorrow. I think baseball definitely had the best all star game/weekend of all the sports. the NBA is tight with the slam dunk contest and rookie/sophomore game but for some reason baseball has it all beat. You have the futures game, the celeberty/legends game and the home run derby which provide a lot of excitement and then you have the game.

ok enough about my stupid ranting - i need to take my ass to bed

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