Wednesday, July 27, 2005

a visit w/ Art, work stuff and Danica

An interesting day today. Began bright and early at 5 am with me gettin my first run at pages. Typically theres only three pages to design in the AM but today there were five. Just my damn luck. So after completing the pages and proofing them it was time to work on my big story which is 80 inches long - crazy shit.

Sean and I went through it and then I left for a bit and came back in the office at 1:30 ish to talk to James about the story and he hadn't read it completely but marked it up pretty well when he was done with it so its back to the drawing board on that one.

Art came down today which was pretty awesome - got to have lunch with the prof and his wife at one of my new favorite establishments - Garfields which is located in the lovely Adrian mall. Good times for sure and it was kind of cool showing Art my work and stuff like that and gettin his feedback, just like the good ol days.

While I've been talkin about work, I swear these parents of these little league kids are freakin nuts. While in the office yesterday I got a call from some guy bitchin bout why we dont have a reporter covering little league and the championship game for the 11 year olds in midland and the coach complaining b/c no one got his results when he phoned it in to the wrong number and a couple of parents calling right after i got off the phone with him. Like clearly I didn't think your calls were staged. Then I'm in at 6 am and another parents is being an ass and calls. I mean seriously 6 am - take your ass to work or go back to bed. Why bitch that early in the AM.

Then today this guy I always saw when I covered Blissfield games comes in and is like hey buddy and drops off a damn picture with his second place little league team that went 5-1 in this tourney. He had called earlier bitchin at us to put something in. I swear these people think were some kind of yearbook or something. They are driving me nuts!

Ok done with that rant.
Other things newsworthy today
-Tigers at .500 (50-50)
- my other team the Nats keeps on slippin and blew Livans lead - damn bullpen (right J)
- The Freep had a big story on Danica today and Art told me the News should have one tomorrow
(Free Press Danica story)

Danica Patrick - what a hottie

And I got an email from this guy at MIS not too long ago and me and my boss Sean might get to ride in these passenger cars designed to imitate IRL cars around the speedway on Friday. Freakin sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>>>While I've been talkin about work, I swear these parents of these little league kids are freakin nuts.

Welcome to my life.
