Saturday, July 23, 2005

what a game

Last night I lucked out and caught another great Tigers game, watching them romp to a 12-6 victory over the Twins as they had a season-high 18 hits. Craig Monroe was the freakin man going 5-for-5 with 6 RBIs. Not a bad day at the ball park. And it was a pretty fun game. It was nice to see Curtis Granderson (one of my fave up and coming Tigs) called up and having a solid day (2-for-4) in his season debut.

Ended up checking it out with Jen Dick, her friend Krysta and Katie. It was kinda last minute that we decided to go but it was definitely a fun time. Saw Eddie Davis working the entrance gates and then got to holla at my boy Scott Biggar who I caught at the game again with his girlfriend Karen and her dad and sister. It was pretyt cool and I actually met up with him before the post-game firework display at Comerica.

Leaving the game was another random experience. As we were waiting for traffic to move again this guy in a white SUV rowed down his window to blare his music and was like yeah that guy likes my music pointing at me. He then proceeds and gets out of his car to give me some fist, so we pounded our fist together and he got back in his car. They moved farther along in traffic and when we caught up to them again he was like where you from - i told him just outside of benton harbor - he was so drunk he had no clue so I was like by lake michigan. He responded sweet and said hope to see you at more Tigers games dude and I was like fo sho and he said for sure.

We passed them along in traffic and they caught up to us and he was like you guys go to EMU and I said yea and asked if we knew someone and I was like no but is she hot. He waved his hands to say shes alight but I wouldn't tap that. That pretty much resulted in the end of our convo but it was definitely pretty random.

When I got back into Adrian last night I went to Rallys which is becoming like my Friday night ritual. Every time I get off work I'm always there at 1 am on a Friday night.

This morning I went to cover a legion baseball game but the team that was playing the Adrian/Blissfield posts had to forfeit because they only had seven players because some of the team was missing to participate in various football camps. Kind of a shame since it was a district championship game. What can you do? Still turned in a interesting 10 inch story out of nothing though. So a pretty easy day thus far.

Looking forward to watching Justin Verlander pitch tonight whether it be in person or in front of my tv. Go Tigs


Anonymous said...

I definitely had a great time at the game! Thanks for helping to make it such an awesome experience! :-D ~Katie :)

Anonymous said...

B- that is by far the most random drive home ever :) *laughs*
-The A