Tuesday, July 19, 2005

customer is always right

So the customer is definitely always right - for the most part. And I was the beneficiary of one of those based on my visit to Tim Hortons last Friday. The visit pretty much breaks down that I got an iced cappucino and a chocolate donut. The drink was fine but the donut was horrible because when the girl put it in the bag she did it in away that when i took the donut out of the bag all the chocolate frosting was stuck to the top of the bag. So I called wrote an email based on my experience because this was one of my first visits to Tim Horton and it really didnt impress me. Sure enough today I got a call and I'm getting free gift certificates and the lady was like I'm glad you complained because I know exactly what happened and we need to be aware of it. Plus she said she got her start with the company after initially filing a complaint about somethign. So that was interesting.

In other news, I was at Meijer today and I was wearing this shirt i got from Aeropostale that says Cancun Coast Patrol on it. As I'm walking out the door some old lady comes up to me and was I bet your glad your not there. I was like thats random until I realized that I had Cancun on my shirt and the hurricanes.

I also finally got a Washington Nationals fitted cap. I got the road cap - I gotta support my NL team especially since it appears they have a better chance of making the playoffs than my beloved Tigers. But they are struggling and the Braves are fast approaching.

Speaking of that, I pretty much did my first day of full section design today. Went in at 5 am and designed all three pages of the sports section. I'm gradually getting there with figuring out all the things and all the rules our paper applies by and how it differs from the Echo.

Also work is finally picking up again. Tomorrow I'm going to a media luncheon at Webers Inn in Ann Arbor to interview Dan Wheldon, who won the Indy 500. Then I gotta put a story together for our preview tabloid for the Indy Racing League race at MIS at the end of this month. Also I have a big story that will be 40 inches that I'm working on about whether sports camps are a burden or benefit to children. Should be interesting to see how that turns out.

Also I will get to cover a legion baseball game this weekend so that should be cool as well. I really havent done to much writing lately and the only thing I really have written about was an Lenawee Amateur Baseball Association game this past Saturday. Besides working this weekend, my best pal Robers visited for a bit which was fun as always and we even did some grocery shopping together and she made me brownies. Man am i spoiled sometimes - lol.

Lately I've also got a chance to talk with some peeps I graduated high school with. I havent really been big on keeping in touch and I should be better about it because I had some pretty awesome friends from my days in Coloma. Like last night my pal Amy Koenigshof (one of my closest pals) called me out the blue which was awesome. Then I emailed another good pal Christin Davis back and forth a few times yesterday. Plus there is myspace which has allowed me to talk to a few of my tight pals from HS as well.

Other random things just to write about. what exactly is the thrill with Harry Potter. I mean is it that deep that people call off work that day before it comes out so they can sleep all day and then get up at midnight to pick up the book and start reading it. I mean come on! it cant be that deep.

Ok I think I've done enough rambling for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, so this is where you disappeared to! I'd wondered.

And no, my boyfriend is most definitely NOT Chad Santorilla. Ew.

Regarding Harry Potter... Well, is crack deep? HP is an addiction, plain and simple, but an enjoyable one with relatively benign side effects.